iMachining with Hoffmann Garant Tools - great machining results!
From: Ralf Keiser []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 6:18 PM
To: Emil Somekh
Cc: Gerhard Lägeler; Michael Stockmann SolidCAM; Bekir Kilic
Subject: iMachining with Hoffmann Garant Tools
Hi Emil,
Last month I had a demonstration of SolidWorks and SolidCAM to a prospective customer in Germany: IBK Industrieservice
They worked with competitor CAM sustems but had a lot of problems with the posts.
Ok I tell him with SolidCAM things will be better.
I show SolidCAM 2.5D, HSS and, obviously, highlight iMachining- they could not believe what I show them on the screen!
I say: ok, let us mill a part on your CNC Machine. The machine is Spinner with Siemens controller.
I program a standard iMachining demo part in Steel, with Hoffmann Garant tools, Diameters 16 and 10 mm.
The boss sees how iMachining works on his machine and said: yesterday we were standing in front of an abyss - today we skipped it!!
Yesterday we got the order for 2 Licenses SolidWorks with SolidCAM 2.5D, HSS and ,obviously, iMachining!!
Mit besten Grüßen
Ralf Keiser
Anwendungstechniker CAD/CAM
SolidCAM GmbH
fon: +49 5454 93395-13
fax: +49 5454 93395-30
email: ralf.keiser@
Bevergener Str.2, 48477 Hörstel
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Emil Somekh | Registergericht Stuttgart HRB 480802