SolidCAM הייתה ההשקעה המשתלמת ביותר מבין כל ההשקעות המשמעותיות שעשיתי בעשר השנים האחרונות! החיסכון שהשגנו בחיי הכלים כבר בחודש הראשון, כיסה את עלות...

..production manager so impressed with the iMachining cutting, he asked for a quote for 2 iMachining modules and renewing subscription for all their 5...

עיבוד סטנדרטי לקח להם 40 דקות. מי היה מאמין שעם iMachining זה לוקח רק 9 דקות!

...Well at first we were skeptical about all of the promised time savings of 70 to 80 percent, but it's really true

...the cycle times have been reduced by 70% to 80% - sometimes even reduced by 90%

..milled the same part with a higher iMachining level, and we reduced the machining time to 4 1/2 mins , as opposed to 17 mins

...We have been running an aluminum pocketing job for 15 years. The run time has been 22 minutes. The job now runs in iMachining in 9 minutes...


..they went from 60 Minutes down to 3 minutes on their first least twice the tool life


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